Amie Chatterley

Career credits

Director of CapsaArx Recording, Rehearsal and Artist Services Studio, Birmingham’s Bloodstock Metal 2 The Masses Promotor, Event Director of Power Metal Quest Festival, Dakesis & WomenOwar Bassist


Amie is the Interim Foundation Pathway Lead, but also teaches across all creative pathways at ACM.

With over 15 years experience in the music industry as an independent artist, professional musician and entrepreneur she has worked within a variety of sectors.

She is the bassist and backing vocalist for progressive metal band Dakesis and Womenowar and has undertaken dep and session musician work for a range of artists, both live and in the studio.

Alongside her independent artist role, she is the Director of CapsaArx Studios, where she provides recording, rehearsal, artist coaching, PR and management services to independent artists who want to progress in their career.

Amie is also the founder of Birmingham based Power Metal Quest Festival and has played a major role within the Metal Music scene and within the events industry both at major and independent metal festivals, but also as a booking agent and promoter for a wide range of artists both in the UK and across Europe.

Amie is also a qualified mental health nurse and uses these skills to support and empower artists and creatives both in her work at CapsaArx studios and at ACM.

Tutor Details



Tutor Disciplines

Music Business Tutors, Technical Services Tutors

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